Beauty treatments aimed to address specific skin conditions and improve overall skin health.
Exfoliation involves the removal of the oldest dead skin cells from the skin's surface. The word comes from the Latin word "exfoliare"-to strip off leaves. Exfoliation is involved in all facials and can be achieved through physical, mechanical or chemical means. Click to learn about the My Milk and Honey Exfoliation Modalities.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is an overgrowth of pigment that is commonly mistaken to be moles. DPN is not harmful—and will not become so over time—but some people find them unsightly and choose to have them treated for removal.
This session is about an hour long and includes a light cleanse, 25 minutes of numbing, and 30 minutes of treatment. It is normal to experience redness and/or itchiness in the first couple of days post treatment. Over the next 5-7 days, the treated area will begin to dry out, darken, harden (much like a scab would), and then shed off. Depending on the size and thickness of the DPN, additional sessions may be needed to fully treat. Once treated, the DPN is not expected to return for another 4-5 years.
A treatment program aimed to address specific skincare concerns over time. Broken up into 3 series--Corrective, Maintenance, and Preventative--the program offers customized treatments in which various modalities are used to repair and restore the skin.
The Corrective series is a progressive approach to treating an ongoing condition like acne, or hyperpigmentation. This series consist of 6 biweekly treatments over the course of 3 months.
The Maintenance series is designed to sustain the results achieved during the Corrective series. It consists of 5 treatments over the span of 5 months in which you are seen every 4 weeks.
The Preventative series helps to ensure skin remains at optimal health. It consists of 4 treatments over the span of 3 months in which you are seen every 6 weeks.
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